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Monday, November 26, 2012

So how do we heal Timothy's hurt, rejection and sense of unworthiness?

And though Timothy's pain is not as visible as the amputee soldier who comes home from Iraq, or the injured passenger removed from a wrecked carnage or even the burned skin of a cancer patient from rounds and rounds of chemo; nevertheless, there is a gaping hole in Timothy's soul.

The soul is like the motherboard. From it we launch our dreams, we shape our destiny, and we endure the challenges that life throws our way.

But if the motherboard is damaged, if it is already frailed from life's young experiences, how can it be ready, willing, and able to launch a "whole" human being ---a human being with aspirations of life, with the hope of liberty, and yes, grasping for that all encompassing yet elusive pursuit of happiness.

At the tender age of 8 or 9, we ask ourselves, is it already too late for Timothy?

Some say it is. Our prisons are built on the failures of young Timothys. It is a fact that our third grade failures in "these" United States dictate the number of prisons we will build later.

But I write, not to discourage you, but to encourage. To ask you not to give up, but to get up.  To STAND for Timothy.

So contrary to what some say, I say  "No it's not too late--- if we are willing to roll up our sleeves and do the necessary work.  I say it's not too late ---if we understand that by saving others we save ourselves."

Where do we start? At the very beginning.

We give Timothy his self-respect and his self-worth back.

Well how do we do that? Notice Timothy.

Acknowledge his hurt. Prescribe a word of encouragement or a kind act. Give Timothy a task/ chore. Help him feel a sense of accomplishment. Give him a few minutes of YOUR time. Look him in the eyes and tell him he matters.

How may Timothys are we talking about?  Millions...

Are there Timothy's in my neighborhoods? At my schools? In my churches, mosque, synagogues and temples? Yes...

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